Monday, March 2, 2009

Day 6

When I began writing this, I imagined it would purely be about food. But I think anyone who eats a lot of food knows that emotions and life experiences play a big part of eating, especially when you’re an over-eater.

Life is a little difficult right now. I have been working my ass off to find a job. But there’s literally nothing out there. It’s frustrating. I feel like I have so much to give and I’m so anxious to work hard but there’s no opportunities presented at this moment.

So today I ate. And ate. And ate some more. I ate one of those nasty butterscotch TastyKakes this morning that my boyfriends father sent him in the mail. Damn you Ted Sr. I don’t even like that crap! But I ate it anyway. My boyfriend left for work around 11:30am and then I made myself a grilled cheese on the panini press. I then slept until 4pm. Seriously. I could have continued sleeping but I felt I was wasting the day. So I woke up and ate almost an entire box of those crappy Gusher’s fruit snacks. And I savored each and every Gusher. Then I ate TWO 100 calorie popcorn bags. Then I ate some other kind of fruit snack and just polished off another grilled cheesy.

Holy crap. It’s 8:00pm and I’ve eaten enough food for a day and a half.

OK, now it’s 11:29pm. I got bored writing and got caught up in The Bachelor, which was an extreme disappointment. I can understand falling for someone and ending a relationship, but did it really need to be done on national television? ABC should be ashamed.

I haven’t eaten anything else. I resisted. But I’m still feeling crappy. I am completely unfunny and uninspired today so I’m going to end my writing for today in a minute.

I miss my puppies. I need a job. No one will approve me for medical insurance. And my boyfriend’s bosses won’t let him come home from work yet.


Sunday, March 1, 2009

Day 3, 4, and 5: We Stumble and Fall

I haven’t written for 3 whole days because frankly, I didn’t feel like it and I wanted to dedicate my weekend to spending some real quality time with my boyfriend. However, quality time with my boyfriend always include FOOD because he just happens to love it as much as I do. Although he wouldn’t describe his food experiences in as much of an “energetic” way as I would.

Day 3 was great because we thought Theo had to work but he didn’t! We decided to just lay low and hang around the apartment watching movies and TV. We ate a couple sandwiches, some fruit snacks, and corn chowder soup. All in all, we behaved better than usual. The fruit snacks we had were actually healthy ones and I didn’t eat any of the corn chowder soup. Theo ate it all. Fat Ass ☺.

I really thought that because I have been eating so much lighter than usual that my stomach would be in much better shape than it usually is. But I was completely wrong. My stomach feels like there’s an ever-expanding balloon inside and has left me feeling like a beached whale all weekend. My sweet boyfriend still managed to make me feel a little pretty when he insisted that we dance around the apartment together. We were uncoordinated and completely ungraceful, but it was cute and fun.

Let’s move on to Day 4, shall we? This was my favorite day of all. We began our day at the glorious Cheesecake Factory. If you’ve never been there, the menu is ginormous and almost all the food is excellent. I ordered my favorite: the Crusted Chicken Romano. The lunch portion! Go me! But ummm, we DID start with an appetizer of their huge ass brushetta. Anyway, back to the dish that really mattered. It’s two thinly pounded chicken breasts enveloped in a light and crispy crust made of Romano cheese. It’s accompanied by penne pasta in a tomato cream sauce. It is honestly amazing. I could tell my boyfriend was a little embarrassed as he watched me eat because of the pleasure noises coming from my mouth with every bite. I ate ALL the chicken but only 1/3 of the pasta. I was quite proud. And because it’s the CHEESECAKE Factory, we HAD to have cheesecake. We decided on the Oreo Mudslide cheesecake made of Oreos, chocolate, and a brownie almondy crust. We devoured it in about 25 seconds. This was the absolute highlight of my weekend.

Later that night we made a true white trash dinner made of food that in no way would ever be connected. Grilled cheeses and an Asian vegetable stir-fry. Made no sense but still tasted delicious.

I’m at the tail end of Day 5 and my stomach is killing me. I’m a little bit pissy. While our lunch trip to Coco’s was great ( I had a mouthwatering cheeseburger with a golden sourdough bread bun thingy), my day just sucked. While cleaning the toilet bowls in the bathrooms, I managed to create a mess. I was scrubbing it with toilet bowl cleaner that apparently has acid in it when I spilled the cleaner all over the sides, got it all over my arms, and splashed it all over my boyfriend’s bathroom (Yes, we have separate bathrooms. Are you crazy?!). He stepped in it, freaked out, ran to my bathroom, and began showering his leg. It was very dramatic and caused me to burst into tears at my inability to be the Martha Stewart type I was aiming for. Right after that, I tried cleaning my bathroom when I spilled a powder bronzer all over my sink area, cabinets (which were JUST painted after I spilled hair dye and stained the front of them), and of course on my adorable striped bath rug which I until this moment didn’t realize my deep love for it. So I cried some more, stomped around the apartment like a 3 year old, and made loud sighing noises in an effort to get my boyfriend to notice my extreme sorrow and make me feel better. Instead he continued doing his taxes and told me to “chill out”. Such a meanie. I need food.

One of my favorite dishes to make when I’m feeling impatient is dish that literally requires almost no work, is actually fairly healthy but tastes like it it’s not. The perfect meal. Preheat the oven to 370 or 400. Whatever, I never do things the right way. All you have to do is lightly brown a few chicken breasts on a skillet. Don’t even bother to cook them all the way through. Then take a can of that Campbell’s Golden Brown Mushroom soup (don’t bother heating it). Put it in a casserole dish and just mix it with some water until its soupy. Put the lightly browned chicken in it and make sure there’s enough soup to almost cover the top of the chicken. If you need to add more soup and water, go for it. Then just put in the oven for about 45 min. And that’s it! All done! It kind of tastes like chicken marsala except much healthier and MUCH easier.

So we ate some chicken, some rice-a-roni, and some steamed vegetables. I feel much better. I’m currently sitting on my couch, getting ready to watch The L Word (Not gay, but love that lesbian drama). I’m still a little pouty but at least my tummy is full.

Tomorrow my boyfriend will go back to work which means it’ll be much easier to eat well again (You’re a horrible influence Theo). However, his sister and her boyfriend are visiting from PA this weekend and I have plans to show off my incredible baking skills, which will show her that my skills are far more dominant than hers. I will rock her. Hard. With a homemade German Chocolate Cake. She doesn’t even stand a chance.

See you tomorrow!