Monday, March 2, 2009

Day 6

When I began writing this, I imagined it would purely be about food. But I think anyone who eats a lot of food knows that emotions and life experiences play a big part of eating, especially when you’re an over-eater.

Life is a little difficult right now. I have been working my ass off to find a job. But there’s literally nothing out there. It’s frustrating. I feel like I have so much to give and I’m so anxious to work hard but there’s no opportunities presented at this moment.

So today I ate. And ate. And ate some more. I ate one of those nasty butterscotch TastyKakes this morning that my boyfriends father sent him in the mail. Damn you Ted Sr. I don’t even like that crap! But I ate it anyway. My boyfriend left for work around 11:30am and then I made myself a grilled cheese on the panini press. I then slept until 4pm. Seriously. I could have continued sleeping but I felt I was wasting the day. So I woke up and ate almost an entire box of those crappy Gusher’s fruit snacks. And I savored each and every Gusher. Then I ate TWO 100 calorie popcorn bags. Then I ate some other kind of fruit snack and just polished off another grilled cheesy.

Holy crap. It’s 8:00pm and I’ve eaten enough food for a day and a half.

OK, now it’s 11:29pm. I got bored writing and got caught up in The Bachelor, which was an extreme disappointment. I can understand falling for someone and ending a relationship, but did it really need to be done on national television? ABC should be ashamed.

I haven’t eaten anything else. I resisted. But I’m still feeling crappy. I am completely unfunny and uninspired today so I’m going to end my writing for today in a minute.

I miss my puppies. I need a job. No one will approve me for medical insurance. And my boyfriend’s bosses won’t let him come home from work yet.


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