Thursday, February 26, 2009

Day Two

So that vegetable soup so did not happen. However, I still kept it light enough. I ate another peanut butter & jelly sandwich because I only recently rediscovered how easy and delicious they really are (and saves me some money too). I also enjoyed a cup of coffee with my boyfriend made with our new Farberware Percolator from Bed Bath & Beyond. (Model # FCP412 in case you want to check it out. ) It tastes MUCH better made with one of these nifty things. I also had some tasty fresh strawberries which satisfied my sweet tooth.

Of course, I was totally yearning for some other wonderful snacks. And by snacks, I mean a heaping plate of penne a la vodka. Yes, as a true foodaholic I have come to consider 10oz. of pasta enveloped in a rich, delightful, cheesy tomato cream sauce as a mere “snack”. But I resisted! I fought temptation!

Oh and did I mention that I took a four hour nap. Seriously, a four hour nap. Anytime I get hungry I try to sleep. Can't think of much else to do.

In case you haven’t realized, I am not only trying to curb my eating habits but I would also like to lose some weight as well. My weight has been up and down so many times that it’s like I am a different person each month. About 9 months ago I lost 30 pounds and was feeling great! But I’ve gained at least 15 pounds back and feel like a whale. I don’t think I’m THAT fat, but hey, WiiFit did call me OBESE! WiiFit you bastard.

So let’s see, besides that peanut butter & jelly sandwich, I ate a cheese sandwich on a whole wheat roll and half a cup of corn (I really love corn). My plans are to fry up some vegetables for later and try those strawberries again.

Let’s go willpower!


Anonymous said...

Good luck in dealing with your addiction to delicious, yummy, amazing, tasty, hot & sexy food :D

Don't worry about WiiFit, it was made for Japanese people and they just wanted to get back at Americans for making XBox's pad way too big for their hands ;p * just kidding, no harm intended ! *

Penne à la Vodka ? Could you describe it ? Not trying to make you sink even deeper .. Just healthy curiosity ;p

Kellie said...

WiiFit is a little bitch! It also told me my WiiFit age is 34.

I'll be making some Penne a la Vodka again soon, so I'll talk about it more later.

Thanks for reading!